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Why travellers are flocking to supermarkets on holiday

When you’re travelling and you land in a new country, is your first thought to run to the grocery store?
Maybe not.
But supermarkets have become the “it” travel destination among young travellers, thanks to “grocery store tourism”.
Watch the video above. 
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The trend has taken off on TikTok in the last few months, with fans of the act saying it’s a good way to get a feel for a new place.
“This may be controversial, but I think that the best thing to do while travelling is going to the grocery store,” TikTok user marissainchina said in a video while visiting Malaysia.
“Going to a grocery store could technically be counted as sightseeing, right? Because not only is it a cultural experience, but you can also find lots of stuff to bring back as souvenirs.”
Of course, historic markets like the Tokyo fish market and the Boquerìa in Barcelona have always drawn tourists. But this trend finds the joy and excitement in your average supermarket.
Bringing back local snack foods from holiday isn’t a new thing – we all remember the first time we got to try American lollies as a kid thanks to a relative who went overseas.
And convenience stores like 7/11 in Thailand and Japan have long been a fascination for travellers who stock up on egg sandwiches, obscure flavours of Lays chips, and their famous iced coffees.
Los Angeles cafe Erewhon has recently become a hot spot for travellers to the US city. The health store is known for its celebrity clientele and its smoothie bar. Model Hailey Bieber collaborated with the store on a ‘Strawberry Glaze Skin Smoothie’, which went viral on TikTok even though it cost $19 ($28).
Grocery store tourism is also a thing here in Australia. But we’re not just talking about people stocking up on TimTams at Coles and Woolies.
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Health food stores Flannery’s and Forestway Fresh have also been gaining traction on TikTok as creators compare them to Erewhon for their premium health food assortment and in-store wholefood cafes.
And if you want to get your hands on a Hailey Bieber smoothie – without taking a trip to LA – thankfully, Green Cup in Melbourne has created its own spin on the viral sensation.
